All Demo Site Subscribed Action Alerts

Action Alerts

Urge Governor Newsom to sign AB 2841 into law!

The Racial Justice Act for All ensures all Black a& Brown people have a path to challenge racist convictions & sentences. PASS AB 256 #AB256 #RJA4ALL #CONFRONTRACISM

Action Alerts


It’s Never Too Late for Justice - Help Us Pass the Racial Justice Act for All


Time for Action

Action Alerts

At this critical moment in our nation’s history, as the freedom to vote remains under threat, we need pro-voter legislation more than ever! Tell your senators to vote yes on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and live up to the full promise of American democracy.

Time for Action

Action Alerts

Corporations and wealthy individuals should not have the power to make undisclosed political contributions that influence elections. Disclosure of large political spending should be the bare minimum requirement.

Contact your senators today and tell them now is the time to root out dark money by passing the DISCLOSE Act.

Action Alerts

This morning our reproductive rights were decimated by the Supreme Court. California must lead the way to strengthen and expand reproductive freedom. SCA 10 (Atkins) amends California’s constitution to explicitly protect the right to abortion and contraception. If SCA 10 gets the votes it needs in the Assembly this Monday, then it will be on the ballot for a vote of the people in November. Can we count on you to stand with us and tell your Assemblymember to vote YES on SCA 10?

Text states “Racial Justice Act 4 All!” over a mother embracing child under cherry blossom tree

Action Alerts

This Sunday is Juneteenth–the day when, 157 years ago, news of emancipation reached enslaved Black Americans in Galveston, Texas. Gradually, the holiday became a day to celebrate the end of chattel slavery. However, we cannot forget that oppression and racism persist. Even today people are punished more harshly in our courts based on the color of their skin.

reproductive rights, healthcare, California, League of Women Voters

Action Alerts

Expand reproductive care services and empower healthcare providers

Fight local corruption, SB 1439

Action Alerts

Fight local corruption

voting rights, California, Low, action alert, assemblymember, League of Women Voters

Action Alerts

Ensure eligible voters aren’t wrongly excluded from the ballot box.

Protect Reproductive rights

Action Alerts

The time has come for Congress to protect reproductive rights
