As the FCRTA moves toward an all-electric fleet, it is analyzing the electric grid to assess its ability to meet the needs of rural Fresno County. At the workshop, learn about the study, electrification and what it could mean for you. Plus, YOU COULD WIN A DOOR PRIZE!
- Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/92413999635?pwd=NEgvcFpoNzFiUjR4eHBIUU5sbDhOQT09
- Meeting ID: 924 1399 9635
- Password: 915182
- If Joining By Phone, Dial: (669) 900-6833
For more information, visit: https://www.ruraltransit.org/documents/
Educational workshops are being held in conjunction with the FCRTA’s Electrical Grid Analysis Study which is supporting countywide electrification efforts and FCRTA’s planning as we move toward our goal of an all-electric fleet. The Study will assess the capacity of the electric system to support electric vehicle charging infrastructure and other demands throughout rural Fresno County.
These workshops will provide an opportunity to learn about the grid analysis study, the movement toward electrification, its benefits and opportunities for effective implementation.
Workshop Agenda:
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Introduction to the Study
3. Electrification: What is it and how does it affect me and my community?
a. The movement toward electrification
b. The electric grid and you
c. Opportunities for effective implementation
d. Benefits of electrification
4. The Study
5. Discussion
6. Wrap Up