Climate Change is an emergency. The League of Women Voters has recognized the urgency and is working across the U.S. at grassroots & state levels. The League supports climate goals & policies that are derived from the best available climate science & that will ensure a stable climate for future generations.
What do we advocate?
- A clean, sustainable low-carbon energy economy that includes all forms of renewable energy and transportation infrastructure.
- Land use policies that reduce automobile dependence.
- Promote the capacity of natural, working, and urban lands to capture and sequester carbon.
- Promote carbon pricing by market mechanisms such as cap and trade systems and carbon taxes.
- Promote solutions that ease climate-related hardships to low- and moderate-income households.
How Can You Participate?
- Invest in energy-efficient appliances.
- Reduce water waste as it takes a lot of energy to pump, heat and treat your water.
- Approximately 10% of US energy use goes into growing, processing, packaging and shipping food – about 40% winds up in the landfill.
- LED light bulbs use 1/6 the amount of energy.
- Look at fuel efficiency when purchasing a car.