Publications available from the League include:
- Guide to Government (in four languages): A complete listing of all elected government representatives from the local to federal level, with names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Available at any time.
- Los Angeles Election Guides: A description of all local and regional ballot measures with analysis of costs and policy implications and Pros & Cons to consider. The Guide also provides a brief introduction to judicial candidates. Available prior to general elections.
- Easy Voter Guides: A product of our the California League, this provides easy to read information about state measures and candidates for state offices in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, or Korean. Available prior to general elections.
- Voting Brochures: Get Out the Vote brochures on voter registration, absentee ballot procedures, how to choose a candidate, and how to evaluate a debate. May be reproduced and freely distributed.
- Structure of a City Government:
Los Angeles: Structure of a City Government online. (PDF format, 1.5 MB file) Everything about L.A. city government--from who fixes potholes to how people run for City Council--can be found in the new edition of Los Angeles: Structure of a City Government, published by the League of Women Voters of Los Angeles. Los Angeles: Structure of a City Government includes sections on departments, commissions and agencies that did not exist prior to the passage of the 2000 charter. Other features of the 208-page book include a newly revised city organizational chart, a recommended reading list, website resources, and an index. Weaving the history of Los Angeles' civic infrastructure throughout, it serves as an invaluable educational resource for people of all ages. For more on this publication, click here