Humboldt County

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Pictured are (back row) Connie Smith, Byrd Lochtie, Maggie Fleming, Judy Bennett, Lorey Keele, Judith Stoffer, Carolyn Prescott, Anne Wasson, Debbie Hartman (front) Donna Clark, Kay Escarda, Debbe Hartridge.

SOCL reservations coming soon!

Pictured are (back row) Connie Smith, Byrd Lochtie, Maggie Fleming, Judy Bennett, Lorey Keele, Judith Stoffer, Carolyn Prescott, Anne Wasson, Debbie Hartman (front) Donna Clark, Kay Escarda, Debbe Hartridge.

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League of Women Voters of Humboldt County 2024/25 Board Members Back Row L-R: Molly Cate, Michelle Vassel, Leslie Leach, Byrd Lochtie, Peggy Syvertson, Cindy Humphry, Sylvia Shaw, Becky Simpson, Jessica Schlachter Front Row L-R: Julie Kelly, Bonnie Oliver

Humboldt County Board Members

League of Women Voters of Humboldt County 2024/25 Board Members
Back Row L-R: Molly Cate, Michelle Vassel, Leslie Leach, Byrd Lochtie, Peggy Syvertson,
Cindy Humphry, Sylvia Shaw, Becky Simpson, Jessica Schlachter Front Row L-R: Julie Kelly,
Bonnie Oliver, Anne Hartline, Karen Price, Kathy Johanson

Your Vote is Your Voice. Be Heard.

Your Vote is Your Voice.

Be Heard Humboldt! Share why you're voting in this year's election. 

Your Vote is Your Voice. Be Heard.

Humboldt County