Voter Education

Voter Education

Be Heard Humboldt Cover


View the Easy Voter Guide for the November 5, 2024 election to learn more about what will be on this year's ballot for the state of California. 

Our Citizen's Guide to Humboldt County Government

The League of Women Voters of Humboldt County has prepared the Citizen's Guide to Humboldt County Government to promote informed participation in our government by providing detailed information about elected and appointed offices, intergovernmental bodies, and other public agencies. Addendum: please update your copy with the following corrections:
  • The address for the Office of Elections is now 2426 6th Street, Eureka, CA 95501 (page 6 and inside back cover).
  • In California, people can register during the final two weeks leading up to Election Day by registering online or in person at an elections office, and casting a provisional ballot at the elections office in their jurisdiction (conditional voter registration, Election Code 2170-2173).

Pros & Cons

LWVHC Members provide voter education on how to evaluate a proposition plus Pros and Cons on local ballot measures.  Check our calendar for voter education events. 
  • Local pros and cons for current elections will be posted here
  • State pros and cons will be posted here.

 Ranked Choice Voting

Watch the video below for an explanation of Ranked Choice Voting, Measure C on Eureka's ballot in the 2020 election. 
