Government: The Role of Government in Economic Development in Humboldt County (1982, 2005, 2014, 2024)

Government: The Role of Government in Economic Development in Humboldt County (1982, 2005, 2014, 2024)

Support economic development in Humboldt County by local government defining goals, setting priorities, providing appropriate planning and implementation, understanding and implementing environmental regulations, facilitating coordination and funding, and promoting public awareness of the procedures for economic development. Support of tourism and recreation as important to the economic development Humboldt County.
Position In Brief: 

1. Local governments in Humboldt County should promote prosperity through economic development using the following criteria: Is acceptable environmentally and plans for sea level rise and other climate change challenges; promotes job creation at an equitable livable wage that uses the existing local labor force; complements present business (including tourist business, arts, and artisans); is water and energy efficient; makes best use of native resources (including water, air, aquaculture, mariculture, agricultural and timber lands), renewable resources, and waste products.

2. Local governments should become more effective in encouraging economic development by the following actions: Completing, updating, and implementing general plans; long range capital improvement planning; facilitating the permit process through clarity, consistency, and efficiency; supporting development of a broad variety of accessible and safe modes of transportation with equitable rates and schedules to enhance economic development; and providing for adequate housing.

3. Local governments should become more effective in coordinating economic development by the following actions: Promoting timely economic planning and development, such as the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, countywide and in collaboration with local tribes, as well as for individual areas; promoting understanding and cooperation between the different entities and agencies involved in economic development; establishing a centralized location in the county staffed by trained and qualified people for up-to-date, effective dissemination of information related to economic development.

4. Effort should be made by the County Board of Supervisors to determine and guide the effectiveness and coordination of County promotion and advertising efforts.

League to which this content belongs: 
Humboldt County