NewsFind your local VOTE CENTER
Los Angeles County’s Vote Centers and the New Voter Experience
The New Voter Experience
- New Technology
- Flexible and Expanded Voting Options
- LA County Vote Centers
Vote Centers
- A target of 1,000 conveniently located vote centers near your home, work, schools, etc.
- Allows voters to cast ballots at any vote center in the County
- Allows for voters to register and vote on the same day
- May be located in a variety of facilities, including public buildings, workplaces, places of worship and shopping centers
Extended Voting Period
- Vote centers will be open for up to 11 days, which include two weekends
- Vote by Mail Drop Box locations will be available for 30 days
- Vote centers will be open for a minimum of 8 hours per day
- Mobile and Pop-up vote centers can also be set up if needed
Ballot Marking Device (BMD)
- Modern touchscreen
- Not connected to the internet
- Prints a paper ballot that can be verified by the voter before casting
- Accessible features include: ability to adjust font size, tilt screen angle, color and contrast
- Option to use the audio ballot interface with a keypad to listen and navigate through the contests
- Option to read or listen to your ballot in 13 languages
- Allows for a private and independent voting experience
Interactive Sample Ballot (ISB)
- An option that voters can use at the vote center to help expedite the voting process
- Allows a voter to mark their sample ballot on a mobile device or computer and generate a Poll Pass prior to arriving at a vote center
- The voter scans the Poll Pass on the Ballot Marking Device to verify or make changes to their selections before casting their ballot
Electronic Pollbooks (ePollbooks)
- Replaces the printed list of voters
- Will be used by vote center staff to verify the registration eligibility of a voter in real time
- Enables Conditional Voter Registration, which enables a voter to register and vote on the same day
- ePollbooks will indicate if a voter has already voted anywhere in the County and will not allow voting at multiple locations
Improved Vote By Mail (VBM) Ballot
- Newly redesigned full face ballot launched in November 2018
- Larger font, clearer instructions
- Vote by Mail drop boxes placed in convenient locations throughout the County, available for 29 days prior to Election Day
- No postage necessary
League to which this content belongs:
Greater Los Angeles