Action Alerts

Action Alerts



Your National League in Action

In March, LWVUS sent the following Action Alerts to members and followers:

At the urging of grass-roots members across the country concerned about immigration reform, LWVUS joined a coalition of 292 civil, human rights, and immigrant rights groups and signed on to a letter addressed to President Biden which urged him not to issue new regulations restricting access to asylum. The asylum ban would make individuals ineligible for asylum if they enter the United States without using an established pathway or without applying for protection in countries of transit. The LWVUS home page, under Other Issues, lists recent LWVUS actions in areas of interest such as Climate Change, Health Care Reform, the Census, and Immigration. Learn more HERE.

Your State League in Action

Responding to recommendations from LWV-PA and other local Leagues during Program Planning in January, LWVC announced its Legislative Priorities for 2023–2025.

The LWVC Board approved two action policies. One is an update of the existing Climate Change Action policy. The other is new, the Climate Smart Agriculture and Food Action Policy. These policies are not new positions. They are compilations of all LWVC and LWVUS positions that touch on the complex issues that climate change presents. These policies have implications for local level advocacy.

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—Katherine Gavzy


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