Advocacy Committee

Advocacy Committee

The Advocacy Committee exists to promote awareness and action on League positions and issues. This is achieved in numerous ways. When applicable, action alerts from National, State and local Leagues are published on our website and in the monthly Voter newsletter. An advocacy component on relevant topic issues and/or current events are featured at every League Day. In addition, we actively collaborate with the League committees to educate them on the legislative process, identifying effective ways in which to advocate and develop target messaging skills.

Committee Chair: Karen Roberson

Committee Contact
Contact Name: 
Karen Roberson
League to which this content belongs: 

All Posts Related to this Committee

Event Date: 
01/20/2024 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Event location: 

Blinn House, Pasadena

Saturday, Jan. 20, 2–4 p.m., Blinn House, Pasadena

Kick Off the New Year Right! Help Decide Priorities for Education and Advocacy

Action Alerts

Oppose SJR 7



Your National League in Action

Here is a summary of action your National League of Women Voters is currently taking. Click on the links to learn more.



Your National League in Action

In March, LWVUS sent the following Action Alerts to members and followers:



Recommended to Members for Approval on June 10, 2023



Each year, LWV-PA conducts interviews with the state legislators that represent our members. This year, we spoke with Assemblyman Mike Fong (AD 49), Assemblyman Chris Holden (AD 41), and Senator Anthony Portantino (SD 25).



Pasadena’s Measure H


