Immigration at the State League Convention

Immigration at the State League Convention


It was exciting to be able to participate in the LWVC Convention in June as a non-delegate, by attending virtual workshops and caucuses. LWV San Diego organized a caucus on Immigration and Deportation, with the intention of gathering Leaguers from across California interested in knowing and doing more about this critical timely issue and possibly developing a resolution for the state (and ultimately national) League to be more active and effective on immigration concerns.

In an outstandingly well-prepared presentation, San Diego told us about their current work in the area, which understandably includes a big focus on border issues. The situation since the Biden inauguration is one of new hopes and expectations, but also uncertainty about the future and confusion at the border. LWV will carefully watch and assess progress toward the goals stated in the LWVUS position:

  • Promote reunification of immediate families
  • Meet the economic business and employment needs of the United States
  • Be responsive to those facing political persecution or humanitarian crises
  • Provide for student visas
  • Ensure fair treatment under the law for all persons
  • In transition to a reformed system, support provisions for unauthorized immigrants already in the country to earn legal status

Over twenty-five people attended the caucus and exchanged information, including names of local, regional, and national organizations to partner with; good resources for strengthening our understanding of the history and legal issues around immigration; pending legislation; local advocacy opportunities; and recommended speakers. It seems that LWV-PA is the only local League other than San Diego to have a committee dedicated to immigration issues.

The next step was a meeting, scheduled for June 21, to start building a statewide immigration committee and strategy. Members of the LWV-PA Immigration Committee, co-chaired by Mary Ann Lutz and Karen Roberson, plan to attend and take an active role. We are all very excited about moving ahead using our combined resources and experiences. LWV-PA members interested in learning more are urged to contact us at immigration [at]

—Katherine Gavzy

Issues referenced by this article: 
Immigration policies should promote reunification of immediate families; meet economic, business and employment needs; and be responsive to those facing political persecution or humanitarian crises.
This article is related to which committees: 
Immigration Committee
League to which this content belongs: