June Primary Wrap-Up

June Primary Wrap-Up


June 7 Primary Election

Last-Minute Wrap-Up

By now you have all received your vote-by-mail ballot and may well have voted your hopes for the future. If so, kudos to you! As informed voters, you know where to get reliable information to make your choices. So, do you imagine that your job is done?

We say no! If you are actually reading our Voter, that means you care about community and the power behind the vote. Your job isn't done until you help those around you become as knowledgeable about the voting process as you are.


(Courtesy LaVote.gov)

In the May issue of the Voter, we provided quick tips on checking your voter registration, signing up to track your ballot, and how to return it. We hope it helped you. To help other voters feel confident about making their vote count, direct them to our website and have them click on the Voter Information link to obtain key information for voting. One of our Board members downloaded the PDF and shared it with her friends—you can do the same. Voting information is not to be hoarded.

And, if friends and family still have questions, give them our Voter Hotline number to call and the hours of operation. The Hotline number is (626) 798-0965.

Volunteers work in two- to four-hour shifts during these periods:

  • June 3, 4:00—7:00 p.m.
  • June 4—6, 10:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m.
  • June 7 (Election Day), 10:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m.

Finally, stay tuned to the LWV-PA website and your email to see what you can do to help get out the vote. You can't afford to sit this one out. Your efforts make a difference.

—Martha Zavala

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