Leaguers Riveted by the Doo Dah Parade

Leaguers Riveted by the Doo Dah Parade

Doo Dah Parade


On Sunday, November 19, the 44th Annual Doo Dah Parade kicked off from Old Pasadena. It was a beautiful fall day, and the parade was populated by unusual floats, great musicians, and lots of people in crazy costumes.

The League was well represented by a great bunch of Leaguers dressed as Rosie the Riveter. Led by chants from LWV-PA President Martha Zavala, participants included Jamie Scott, Felix Breden, Katherine Gavzy, Robbie Davis, Karen Roberson, Catharine Deely, Toni Johnson, Sandra Armenta, Laura Fleming, Kathy Kunysz, Denise Menchaca, and Sue Sosin. Despite being pelted by tortillas from the crowd—a Doo Dah tradition and not a comment on the League!—a great time was had by all.

We hope to make LWV-PA’s participation in the Doo Dah Parade an annual tradition of our own, to promote voting in our communities.

—Susan Sosin, Chair, Voter Services Committee

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