LWV-PA was one of thirty-nine Leagues that recommended adding elevated advocacy for immigration reform to the national League program for 2022–24. The LWVUS Board chose not to recommend it for the program, but they suggested presenting it as a resolution for LWV action. An inter-League group held a caucus on immigration at the convention and presented the resolution.
The caucus was very well attended and enthusiastically received. A highlight was the personal testimony of Dulce Garcia, a dynamic DACA recipient and immigration attorney, about overcoming the hardships and insecurity imposed by her legal status. At the caucus we learned about the existing LWVUS position on immigration, unchanged since 2008, and actions that have been taken by the national League to support immigrant rights. Then we reviewed the issues and put forth our resolution, which would require more energetic League advocacy and present the respected nonpartisan voice of the League amid the current partisan stalemate. Measures we advocated include expanding the paths to citizenship/legal status, ensuring a stable future for the “Dreamers” (DACA recipients), and providing for humane conditions at the border. We noted the successes achieved in immigration reform at the state level in California, among other states, and the value of partnering with other organizations that are working for immigration reform. We concluded by urging all interested League members to join the LWVUS Immigration Google Group for discussion and action.
At the final plenary session, we presented the following resolution:
Whereas the League of Women Voters has had a long-standing immigration position since 2008 and a strong commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI); Be it resolved that LWVUS actively advocates and supports Immigration Reform at all levels of LWV.
The resolution was overwhelmingly approved by delegates. LWV-PA members are in fact engaged in education and advocacy for immigration reform at all levels, through our own Immigration Committee, the California LWV Immigration interest group, and the LWVUS Google group. If you are interested in learning more or getting involved in this urgent issue, please contact us!
—Katherine Gavzy (kathgav4 [at] gmail.com)