NewsIf It’s September …
it must be time to celebrate National Voter Registration!
This year National Voter Registration Day (NVRD) falls on Tuesday, September 22, and LWV-PA members and partners have several ways to celebrate:
- Visit our website at www.lwv-pa.org It has been updated with election resources for voters with links to other websites that give voters control over their voter information, including the ability to track their vote-by-mail ballots. Spread the word!
- Call a senior residential community in our area. Learn how LWV-PA can help residents re-register to vote, sign up to track their ballots, or make sure their ballots are dropped off before Election Day. Email voterservices [at] lwv-pa.org to get support for your efforts. Subject: Help with Senior Residential Community.
- Volunteer to increase voter participation by signing up to join LWV-PA’s Voter OutreachCircle. OutreachCircle allows you to text or email all your contacts and those appearing on the voter rolls in your community. Email voterservices [at] lwv-pa.org. Subject: Voter OutreachCircle Volunteer.
- Volunteer to increase voter participation and response to the Census by distributing flyers and door hangers throughout our service area, or connect with a local homeless shelter or food bank to ask them to distribute flyers. Email voterservices [at] lwv-pa.org. Subject: Distribute Handouts and Door Hangers.
- For a more intimate engagement opportunity, sign up for Lena Kennedy’s Women in Leadership Vital Voices’ 10 by 10 by 10 Voters to the Polls initiative. Email voterservices [at] lwv-pa.org. Subject: V-ALERT Volunteer
- Volunteer to be a poll worker and get paid for your efforts to support voters! Go to the L.A. County Registrar’s Office at https://www.lavote.net/home/voting-elections/pollworker-information/become-an-election-worker to apply. Do it today—training will start soon!
This is a consequential election, so do your part and claim your power as a citizen. Don’t be a spectator!
—Martha Y. Zavala
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