President’s Message, December 2023

President’s Message, December 2023



Last month I had a great time attending a performance of Inherit the Wind at the Pasadena Playhouse and marching in the Doo Dah Parade. I was thrilled that so many of our members participated in both events. Many times, my drive into Pasadena feels harried with a list of to-dos that never ends, It was so nice to just show up and enjoy visiting with wonderful people. I hope you also took the opportunity to attend a performance of Inherit the Wind and used your League discount to purchase your tickets—and for those who did not, the performances have been extended through December 3! We were so pleased to help showcase the Playhouse and the wonderful events they sponsor. Civic engagement is not just about voting but includes being an active member of a community.

Speaking of service to the community, please be sure to read this issue’s article about next year’s Program Planning Meeting so you can have your say! It’s very important that you tell the Board of Directors where to place our resources for the greatest impact.

Please also read the article about Vote411, the voter education app currently used by the U.S. League and several state Leagues, which is replacing Voter’s Edge. Volunteer today to help launch this new tool! We have two elections next year and hundreds of eligible voters who seek out the League for information. Vote411 is one very accessible and painless way to reach voters. And find out how you can get a sign for your lawn!

This holiday season, we are looking back with appreciation for the work you do to keep our democracy alive and looking forward to moving into the New Year with you, refreshed and ready to make a difference in the communities we serve, especially with the oncoming March and November elections.

Let’s take the time to reflect upon the good things we have:

  • our partners, friends, and family, who provide inspiration when times are tough,
  • the opportunities to engage our neighbors and community members on matters of public policy, and
  • League members who never seem to tire when there’s work to be done.

I’m especially looking forward to celebrating you on December 11 at our annual Holiday Bash. Register now for this members-only event to mix and mingle with fellow Leaguers! Mixing and mingling help to strengthen our partnerships and inform the services we provide.

It’s been quite a year for us all. I hope that 2023 has been just as memorable for you and your loved ones as it has been for me and mine. May the holiday spirit be with you and your family today and throughout the New Year!

In solidarity and celebration,


—Martha Y. Zavala

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