Senate Filibuster Rules—the Barrier to Legislation

Senate Filibuster Rules—the Barrier to Legislation


LWV has long supported senate filibuster reform for a healthy democracy. LWVUS reminds us:

The Senate filibuster is a Jim Crow relic, historically used to protect the South’s dependence on slave labor and later to defend segregation and block civil rights legislation. … The League supports instituting a “talking filibuster,” ending silent holds, putting the onus on minority parties to produce 40 votes, and lowering the cloture vote threshold to bring bills to a final up-or-down vote on the Senate floor.

Stop the Senate from using the filibuster to delay legislation and conceal debate behind closed doors. Read the statement from the LWVUS. Call on the U.S. Senate to amend the filibuster rules that continue to stand in the way of progress for the American people. Click on this link to contact your senators and make your opinion known.

—Martha Y. Zavala

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