Thursday with the League Recap

Thursday with the League Recap

 Thursday with the League

LWV-PA members gathered at Blinn House to hear pros & cons on November’s ballot measures. (Courtesy Pasadena Media)


Ready, Set, Mark Your Ballots!

Seventy-five League members and guests turned out on October 6 to hear an intrepid team of speakers present unbiased information on the ballot measures facing us this election season. With seven state, two county, and three local measures to cover, the two hours flew by. We considered reproductive rights, sports wagering (twice), flavored tobacco, art and music in public schools, dialysis clinics (for the third time), rent control and much more. Attendees asked many good questions and were enabled to “follow the money” to reveal who is actually lurking behind that tsunami of TV ads. And, of course, we were all thrilled to be meeting in person once again at Blinn House!

Thanks to the team: Michelle White, Marna Cornell, Hannah MacLaren, Rosalie Niemann, and Jane Wallace. It takes a lot of preparation to wade through the data and come up with a succinct, yet complete, explanation of each ballot measure. Your hard work was much appreciated! Margan Zajdowicz also participated by presenting pros and cons to residents of MonteCedro Retirement Community in Altadena.

Also, thanks to Pasadena Media for recording the session. Attendees indicated that the presentations gave them much more confidence in making their ballot choices, so once again the LWV-PA Voter Services crew can say, “Mission accomplished.”

You can watch the video recording here. You get informed about what’s on your ballot at Voter’s Edge and learn about your local election information at Above all, VOTE BY NOVEMBER 8!

—Robbie Davis

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