Two New LWV-PA Initiatives

Two New LWV-PA Initiatives



Among the items we will be addressing at the June 10 Annual Meeting are two exciting new initiatives. We will carve out a few minutes for our project teams to present their plans for making democracy work in our service area.

Civics Academy

Civics Academy

LWV-PA will be joining in an initiative to create a Civics Academy Project (CAP). Here is a working draft of our mission statement:

Free and fair elections require an educated and informed electorate. The mission of the LWV-PA Civics Academy is to defend democracy by educating and informing voters, both League members and the general public, about fundamental principles of democracy and American government.


Community Outreach

A revived Community Out-Reach (COR) initiative is our second new project. Here is its working-draft mission statement:

To provide value to our communities, grow membership, increase excitement about joining us, and attract more diverse members, we must be a trustworthy messenger/source of information. We will be inclusive, communicate with everyone to create higher visibility of the League in our thirteen communities, and brand ourselves in a new, more inviting manner by working with community partners to understand the needs of each community.


Project team members will be available to take questions, comments, and suggestions on these new initiatives, so be sure to attend the Annual Meeting!


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Voter Services Committee
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