Voter Education for the November Election—Pros & Cons Final Report

Voter Education for the November Election—Pros & Cons Final Report


The seven state ballot measures, two county measures, and several local measures brought numerous questions from voters, and LWV Pasadena Area speakers came through with flying colors! Between September 11 and November 4, we made eighteen presentations to more than 600 voters.

However, that doesn’t reflect the true count of those who viewed the presentations, since several of the events were recorded for later viewing. This year, we made presentations both on Zoom and in person—unlike 2020, when almost all sessions were done remotely. We talked to groups as small as 5 and as large as 75. They included houses of worship, retirement communities, groups of retired teachers and professors, college students, and, of course, our own League members.

I am so very grateful to the wonderful dedication of our Pros & Cons speakers: Marna Cornell, Hannah MacLaren, Rosalie Niemann, Jane Wallace, Michelle White, and Margan Zajdowicz. It takes a tremendous amount of time to digest all the ballot information and then be able to present it in an abbreviated but comprehensive fashion. Many, many thanks to the speakers! You each deserve a medal and a rest.

—Robbie Davis

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