Voter Services - Gearing Up for the Elections

Voter Services - Gearing Up for the Elections


Voter Services table at PCC

Voter Services kicked off the 2023–24 election season with a two-day voter registration at Pasadena City College. We registered fourteen new voters and interacted with many students who are already registered. Thanks to Martha Zavala, Barbara Levinson, Gail Rolf, and Toni Cavanagh Johnson for making this a successful event. We are planning many events with PCC in the future.

On Sunday, September 10, Voter Services went to the Rose Bowl Flea Market to provide voter registration. Our volunteers included Randi Burke-Aguiar, Felix Breden, Jamie Scott, Adele Stadler, and Martha and Peter Zavala. Though we didn’t register anyone, we were able to encourage many people to get out to vote. A special thanks goes out to Felix and Peter for hauling all the voter paraphernalia.

National Voter Registration Day was September 19, and I was able to work with Lauren Gray, a senior at Muir High School, to register five students at the high school. We plan to participate in more voter registrations at Muir in the future.

Voter Services capped off National Voter Registration Day with a happy hour at Wild Parrot Brewery in Pasadena. It was great to catch up with old and new friends. A special thank-you goes out to Amy Majeske for sponsoring the event.

Contact us to get involved! The Presidential Primary and General Elections are just around the corner, and we need all hands on deck to get out the vote. Remember: Democracy is not a spectator sport. We look forward to hearing from you!


—Susan Sosin, Chair, Voter Services Committee (voterservices [at]

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