Health Care

Health Care

The League has established extensive positions on healthcare at the national level. Healthcare as a social policy is also supported at the national level with individual LWV studies.

With the League’s national healthcare position as its basis, for more than a decade the League of Women Voters of California has supported the movement in our state to pass single payer healthcare. Beginning with single payer bill SB 2123 in 1998, the LWVC has consistently supported studies and legislation to pass single payer healthcare. Their positions and action alerts are here.

A letter from Helen Hutchison, current President of the LWVC, formally supports in concept SB 562 because of its position that a basic level of quality healthcare at an affordable cost should be available to all U.S. residents.

LWV-PA has produced programs that address local as well as state and national healthcare issues. These include:

  • For the March 2018 League Day presentation, Dr. Margan Zajdowicz raises healthcare issues such as, what do we get for the enormous amounts of money we, as a nation, spend on healthcare? Is US healthcare the best healthcare in the world? How do we measure that?
  • The cost of health care was discussed at League Day on Oct. 5, 2017 by Dr. Peter Mendel, whose research has focused on change and improvement in healthcare systems, from evaluations of national programs to local initiatives.
  • The National and California Healthcare update is here, produced by Margan Zajdowicz  MD, MPH, Co-Chair for LWV-PA Healthcare Committee on August 15, 2017. It’s a summary of of the Healthcare bills being put out by Congress to modify the ACA, as well as the history and fate of California’s single-payer bill SB 562. This presentation has been updated to include material from the Oct.6, 2017 Women’s Roundtable at Blinn House.
  • Gateway to Success was the February 2017 program, and it dealt with mental health issues.
  • Health Department functions at the LA County level were presented at the November 2016 League Day meeting.
  • The October 2013 program consisted of Gerald Kominski and Steven Abramson reviewing the options available under The Affordable Care Act for medical coverage. The roles of the new regulated market-place or exchange, Covered California, and the Expanded Medicaid (MediCal) program were also discussed.
Issues to which this Study relates: 
Committees working on this Study: 

The Advocacy Committee exists to promote awareness and action on League positions and issues. This is achieved in numerous ways. When applicable, action alerts from National, State and local Leagues are published on our website and in the monthly Voter newsletter. An advocacy component on relevant topic issues and/or current events are featured at every League Day.