Water Resources

Water Resources

League positions on Water Resources were originally adopted in 1983 and are reviewed annually.
Position In Brief: 

League positions on Water Resources were originally adopted in 1983 and are reviewed annually.

To achieve the League's established (State) goals in management and development of water resources in ways that are beneficial to the environment with emphasis on conservation and high standards of water quality that are appropriate for the intended use, the League of Women Voters of Santa Cruz County supports:

1. Formation of basin groundwater management districts.

2. Effective groundwater management to include: 

a. Protection of natural recharge and use of artificial recharge,
b. Planned variation in amount and location of pumping over time,
c. Use of ground water storage conjunctively with surface water,
d. Protection and planned maintenance of ground water quality.


3. Cooperation among existing water agencies and the County with the ultimate goal of having a countywide plan that these agencies will implement.

4. Coordination of land use planning and water resource management.

5. Protection of our watershed from erosion and pollution, including hazardous materials.


League to which this content belongs: 
Santa Cruz County