Start Charleston, WV; End in DC
See map: Google Maps
Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 12:00am to Saturday, October 23, 2021 - 11:45pm
October 20 - 23 Freedom to Vote Relay & Rally
Relay from Charleston, WV to Freedom to Vote Rally in DC
Participate in DC--Read more
WHAT IS THIS? Everyday Americans are coming together to walk, run, bike and ride from West Virginia to Washington, D.C., to call for action on the Freedom to Vote Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and D.C. statehood.
The three-day relay kicks off on Wednesday, Oct. 20, with a caravan starting in Charleston, W.Va., then travels from Harpers Ferry, W.Va. to Point of Rocks, Md., on Thursday, Oct. 21. The final day of the relay is Friday, Oct. 22, when walkers and riders journey from Glen Echo Park in Maryland to Ben’s Chili Bowl in Washington, D.C. The event will conclude on Saturday, Oct. 23, with a celebratory Rally, joined by the family of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., outside the U.S. Capitol. Click here to view the relay route.
FOR DC REGION members:
The bike route relay starts on October 20 in Charleston, WV to Harpers Ferry. On October 21, the caravan travels from Hapers Ferry (about 70 miles from DC), to Point of Rocks, MD and ends at the Capitol in DC on October 23. If you do not want to start in West Virginia, you can participate in the bike/hike part on Friday (Oct 22) from Glen Echo to American University and then again on Saturday (Oct 23) at the Rally in DC. From Glen Echo to AU is about 5 miles which is about a 2-hour walk or a half hour bike ride. See
Flyer on the "Freedom to Vote Relay & Rally" which was prepared by LWVMD Co-President nsoreng [at] lwvmd.org (Nancy Soreng).

On Saturday, October 23, there will be a member from the LWVUS team as a speaker, among many speakers, during the Rally and all League members who are participating will be meeting at 11:15AM at the West Wing Café on D and New Jersey Ave. so we can go to the Rally together! Alicia will bring and can distribute some signs as well.
NOTE: The stopping points/ passing points along the whole route have civil rights history significance. Glen Echo park was segregated until Howard students held a sit-in in 1960. https://glenechopark.org/civil-rights. See
Flyer for full route and stops.

Here is the website to register for the event and view the details.https://freedomtovoterelay.org/ . Also Contact National Organizing Manager with LWVUS, Alicia Guerri at agurrieri [at] lwv.org with questions or help..