LWV of National Capital Area Logo-red,blue



IMPORTANT MESSAGE:  Since there was not a quorum at May 4 Convention, approval of documents was accomplished by electronic votes.  Contact tmarzotto [at] towson.edu (LWVNCA Secretary Toni Marzotto) for Minutes of Convention.


Welcome to the 2024 LWVNCA Annual Convention page.  On this page you will find pertinent documents for the 2024 Annual Convention in-person meeting.  The Annual Convention Workbook will be posted here when it is finished.  In the meantime, you can peruse these documents to view what you will be voting on (some can be downloaded and printed out).

2024 LWVNCA Annual Convention Workbook is now posted. 

PDF icon Click HERE to view or download the PDF

Picture of Cover of 2024 LWVNCA Annual Convention Workbook

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have not registered to be present at the Annual Convention on May 4, 2024 at Maggiano's Little Italy restaurant on Wisconsin Avenue, Please CLICK THE CALENDAR PAGE where the links for signing up as a delegate or observer are posted.  There will be limited "pay-at-the-door" so be sure to download the PDF icon Registration Flyer, print out and send to Treasurer Carol Bursik with your check.  Deadline is April 25. 

We look forward to seeing you on May 4 at Maggiano's.  If you have questions, please contact President joycestarks [at] aol.com (Joyce Starks) or Secretary tmarzotto [at] towson.edu (Toni Marzotto)

The following documents will be approved at the May 4, 2024 Annual Convention.  They will also be in the 2024 Convention Workbook--to be posted here later.  

Items listed below, in order on page--scroll down the page to view or click on link.


Proposed Order of Business

(In Person at Maggiano’s Little Italy Restaurant – Wisconsin Ave., DC)

Proposed Order of Business Updated for 2024

Call to Order                                                                                                 Joyce Starks, LWVNCA President

10:00 – 10:45 AM

Buffet Breakfast


10:45 – 11:00

Welcome & Introductions

Joyce Starks, President

11:00 – 11:45

Speaker -Ayo Atterberry, LWVUS Culture Officer

Speaking about ~ 
“League Transformation 2024 and Beyond”
Q & A


11:45 – 12:45 PM

Business Meeting
Roll Call of Member Leagues ………………………………. 
Credentials Report ………………………………………………
Adoption of Order of Business …………………………….
Adoption of Convention Rules……………………………..
Minutes of 2023 Convention,-previously approved  
   by the LWVNCA Board ………………………………………… 
Appointment of a Reading Committee for the 2024
   Convention Minutes………………….…………………......... 
Treasurer’s Report ………………………………………………… 
Presentation, Discussion & Approval of Proposed
       FY2024 – FY 2025 LWVNCA Budget…………….……
Nominating Committee Report ……………………………..
  Election of Officers & Directors for 2024-2026, and  
  Nominating Committee for 2024-25. 
President’s Report …………………………………………………
Toni Marzotto, Secretary
Carol Bursik & Kathy Matusiak
President Joyce Starks
Geraldine Whitley, Parliamentarian 
Toni Marzotto, Secretary
President Joyce Starks
Carol Bursik, Treasurer
Kathy Matusiak, Budget Chair
Diane Hibino, Nominating Committee
President Joyce Starks

12:45 – 1:00pm

New Business
Directions to the Board
President Joyce Starks

Page 3 of Workbook


Delegate Apportionment    

Member League Delegates Table
 2024 Members
(2023 Members)
LWV of the District of Columbia (189)251 
LWV of Maryland     1
LWV of Frederick County   (78) 68 3
LWV of Howard County                            (106)105 4
LWV of Montgomery County                         (433)362 6
LWV of Prince Georges County                     (35) 55 3
LWV of Virginia       1
 LWV of Arlington and Alexandria City          (227)237
 LWV of Fairfax Area                                   (367)336  6
 LWV of Falls Church                                     (64) 60 
 LWV of Loudoun County                                (49) 46 
LWV of Prince William-Fauquier Area            (74) 71 3
Total Member League Delegates Allowed        43
Quorum per Bylaws,Article VII, Convention. Section 7, Quorum:  Twenty-five (25) members with the authority to vote as defined in Article VII, Section 3, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of Convention business, provided that there is representation from a majority of the member Leagues, including two (2) Leagues from Maryland, two (2) Leagues from Virginia, and the League of the District of Columbia.
Page 6 of Convention Workbook


Proposed Rules of Convention

Proposed Rules of the 2024 LWVNCA Convention
(Updated for 2024 in-person meeting)
A. The following rules are prescribed by the LWVNCA bylaws:
  1. Proceedings will be guided by the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, unless the LWVNCA bylaws prescribe otherwise.(Article X)
  2. Voting privileges are limited to delegates from member Leagues (local and state) in good standing and LWVNCA Board members. (Article VII, Section 2)
   a. “Each delegate representing a local or state League shall be entitled to vote only if that League has met its per member payment      responsibilities.
   b. The LWVNCA board may make an exception in the case of proven hardship.”
   c. To conform to this bylaw, representatives from Leagues not paid in full will not have the privilege of the floor, the right to vote, or       the right to make motions. PMP will be accepted any time before the opening plenary session to enable Leagues to have delegates     with full voting privilege.
  3. How to vote using Zoom (for virtual meetings only)
    a. Use the raise your hand icon to vote and the secretary/president when acknowledge all votes have been counted.
    b. After you vote please lower the raise hand icon.
  4. Nominations for elected positions may be made from the floor, provided the consent of the nominee has been obtained. (Article VIII, Section 3)

B. The following proposed rules are subject to approval by a majority vote of the Convention. Delegates may elect to amend these proposals or introduce others.
  1. Floor privileges
     a. All League members shall have the right to speak.
     b. At in-person meetings, a member wishing to address the Convention shall stand (as they are able). (Zoom meetings: Members  will use the Zoom “raise hand feature” to request recognition. The chair will do her best to recognize people in order.) When  recognized by the chair, a member shall state her/his name and member-League affiliation.
     c. Discussion will be limited to two minutes per speaker unless otherwise specified.
  2. Motions. Only delegates and LWVNCA Board members can make motions. All motions of substance shall be delivered to the  Secretary [Zoom: entered in the Chat Box]. At in person meetings, motion forms are available at the registration table.
  3. Zoom: When you are not speaking or casting a voice vote, please mute your phone or computer.
  4. Minutes. The Secretary will draft the Convention minutes, clear them with a reading committee appointed at the convention and submit the resulting version to the LWVNCA Board for approval.
  5. Directions to the Board. (Virtual meeting: Directions should be sent to the president in advance of the meeting.)  At an in-person meeting, they should be submitted in writing to the Secretary

Pages 7-8 of Convention Workbook

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Proposed LWVNCA Budget for 2024-25 with Report from the Committee

Report from the 20224 Budget Committee

The LWVNCA FY 2024-2025 Proposed Budget shows total expected funding and expenditures of $7,240 as compared to $9,750 in FY2023-2024. The LWVNCA will hold per-member-payment (PMP) steady at $1.10 per primary member and $0.55 for additional household members. The Budget Committee projects $1,478 in PMP income. This is a decrease of $52 from last year’s PMP, reflecting a slight drop in membership from the 2023-24 fiscal year.
We note at going forward from 2024, there will be a new membership process and structure, created by LWVUS which starts in the 2024-25 fiscal year. Under the new process starting in 2024, all membership dues will go to the national office and moneys will be distributed to local and state Leagues according to a new formula. This is the result of the “Transformation Plan” adopted at the 2023 LWVUS Convention. As of this date (April 4, 2024), it is unclear how and where the Inter-League Organizations (ILO) such as LWV of the National Capital Area, will fit into the new organizational structure.
Therefore, the LWVNCA Proposed 2024-25 Budget may have to be altered, depending on future realities.
A reminder that next year’s budget (FY25-26) will include issuance of the Naumann Award as well as hosting the LWVUS Board Reception.
The LWVNCA Board expresses its thanks to the FY2024-2025 Budget Committee: Kathy Matusiak, Chair, and President Joyce Starks. Treasurer Carol Bursik, is the Ex Officio member.


LWVNCA Proposed Budget for FY2024-2025

NCA RV FY25 Proposed Budget in a picture

PDF icon CLICK HERE for PDF of Proposed Budget to download and print out

Pages 13 & 14 in 2024 Convention Workbook

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2024 Nominating Committee Report

With Slate of Officers, Directors & Nominating Committee

LWVNCA 2024 Nominating Committee Report

The Nominating Committee presents the following slate of the nominees for LWVNCA Officers, Directors and Nominating Committee to be elected at the May 4, 2024 Annual Convention.

LWVNCA Officers and Directors2024 – 2026 Nominees
For 2024-2026 Term:
Vice President Dr. Gail Clark (LWVPGC)
Erni Bridges (LWVFA)
Anne Laroche (LWVDC)
For 2024-25 terms:
Secretary ~ Antonette (Toni) Marzotto (LWVMC)
Treasurer ~ Carol Bursik (LWVFA)
Nominating Committee for 2024-25
Barbara Lipsky, Chair (LWVFC)
Nancy Bliss, member (LWVMC)
Diane Hibino, member (LWVMC)

Respectfully submitted,
LWVNCA 2024 Nominating Committee

Diane Hibino
Sherry Zachry
Toni Marzotto
Erni Bridges

REMARKS: We are recommending that Toni Marzotto be elected to fill the last year of the vacant Secretary’s term that ends 2025, and potentially be elected to a new full term (2025-2027) in at the 2025 Convention (in accordance with the bylaws that state the secretary is to be elected in an odd-numbered year). We nominate Dr. Gail Clark for Vice President to fill a two-year term (2024-26) starting July 1, 2024, in order to reinstate the schedule for electing the Vice President as specified in the bylaws,(i.e. elect Vice President for two years in an even-numbered year). We have asked Treasurer Carol Bursik to serve one more year as we navigate the new membership process instituted by LWVUS. Also, we recommend that Kathy Matusiak be appointed as a Director on the 2024-25 board to fill Dr. Gail’s director slot.
/2024 Nominating Committee

 Pages 15 & 16 in Convention Workbook

PDF icon Click HERE for PDF of Nominating Committee Report


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PDF icon LWVNCA BYLAWS as Amended May 2, 2021