LWVMD Legislative Day 2020

LWVMD Legislative Day 2020

LWV Maryland logo


Office House Building, Room 150
6 Bladen Street
Annapolis Maryland 21401
Maryland US
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - 8:30am
Wednesday, March 04, 2020 at 08:30 AM · $35.00 USD ·
House Office Building  6 Bladen St Room 150 in Annapolis, MD 21401

Photo ID required for entrance to all Maryland government buildings

Your Legislative Day Ticket includes a buffet lunch. Parking is not included.

Legislative Day 2020




8:30 a.m. Registration and Coffee
8:30 -10:00 a.m. Visits to Legislators arranged by Local Leagues
(Local Leagues are responsible for making those appointments in advance)
10:00 a.m. Report on legislative visits
10:15 a.m. Discussion of proposed legislation impacting the League’s legislative priorities

11:00 a.m. State budget presentation by Victoria Gruber,
Executive Director, Department of Legislative Services
11:45 a.m. Discussion of impact of budget on our legislative priorities

Noon Lunch Panel Discussion featuring our coalition partners
1:00 p.m. Optional visits to committee hearings

Reserve your spot early! Seats are limited & tickets increase by $5 on 2/20/19

Questions? Email Lois at questions [at] lwvmd.org

Click here to download flier and mail your registration


Contact Information
questions [at] lwvmd.org