In years past, LWVMD has organized a “Day on Capitol Hill” for interested members to visit their Senators and House representatives, and lobby for (or against) some of the current congressional legislation of interest to LWV. This year, all Congressional offices are relying on tele-work and tele-conference, so we are requesting a series of ZOOM meetings for Thursday, May 14.
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JOIN US for Our Virtual Day On Capital Hill
Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 10am - 3:30pm
For flyer and more information, click here
Talk to Your Congressperson About VOTING RIGHTS IN A TIME OF CORONAVIRUS
Member Event
Virtual Capitol Hill in DC
First Street SE
Washington, DC 20004
United States
*Participants will be briefed by email about the LWVUS topic for advocacy, participating voluntarily.
This is a FREE LWV Member's Only Event
Click Here For More Info
To reserve your spot (or ask questions), email Jackie Coolidge: jcoolidge [at] schoolbench.com,
subject “LWVMD Day on Capitol Hill” by April 30, including following info:
Name(s) | Cell phone # | Email | Street Address (not PO Box) ***Street address and cell phone required***