The Hawaii Women's Coalition meets twice a month, for at least the last five or six months of the year, to choose subjects of most importance to women and girls.
At the last meeting on November 30th, the attached package of 11 items was presented. It is hard to sum up, but here are a few of the asks: free period products, protections for those providing abortion services, extending the time period to file re: sexual abuse victimization, mandating DV training for custody evaluators, mandatory sex education in schools, strengthening abortion statutes.
It is my understanding that these (and possibly additional ones) will be presented to the Women's Legislative Caucus who will choose up to five to present to the legislature as the Caucus' legislative package. HWC then monitors the movement of the bills and provides testimony to support their positions.
Reported by Barbara Service, Member of Hawai`i State LWV Board and Honolulu LWV