Legislation, Bills & Other Advocacy

Legislation, Bills & Other Advocacy

Bill of Rights

Based on our positions, we review bills before the Hawai'i State Legislature and Hawai'i County Council and take action in support of or opposition to certain measures. We also advocate around focus areas, such as voter rights and transparency in government.

* News articles, opinion letters, and other media items are now featured in the News/Media section.


  • The Hawai'i State Legislative Reference Bureau's Public Access Room (PAR) provides the public with information, facilities, and services to assist them as they engage and participate in the State legislative process. Visit the Current Legislature page for information on calendars and deadlines, the House and the Senate.
  • Hawai`i County Organizational Chart (PDF)
  • Your County Government (Dec. 2020) (PDF) provides an overview of the structure of County government and its functions. It is an update to a brochure created by the League of Women Voters.