One of the most important and useful activities that the League of Women Voters carries out each election cycle is to bring
information on candidates to voters via VOTE411. This is an effort that you can help with on your own schedule, making phone calls
to candidates from home.
Having done this for a few years myself, I can attest to the fact that this is FUN! You get to meet candidates one-on-one over the
phone and find out what they are like in this situation. They range from business-like to disorganized, from serious to quirky. But the
Leagues of Women Voters respects and thanks them all because they are taking an active part in the democratic process by running for office. We have a list of candidates to call and a script to guide us, not necessarily word-for-word.
We need volunteers to call candidates (including candidates on all islands). And for those who already have experience in making these calls, or lots of confidence in their management skills, we need a candidate calls coordinator (or two) who can also trouble-shoot with candidates and communicate with the national VOTE411 program.
If you are interested in making calls or in coordinating the volunteers, please email Ruth Robison at lwvhawaiicty [at] gmail.com.
Thank you!