For 34 years, Hawai’i History Day, an activity of the Hawai`i Council for the Humanities, has provided a unique opportunity for scholarship, civic engagement, and intergenerational connections.
This year, the theme for History Day is “Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas,” a very challenging concept to the experience of being human and engaging together civically.
For the fourth year, LWV of Hawai`i County will be supporting the Hawai`i Island District HHD Fair by sponsoring an award for an outstanding student project that demonstrates civic engagement, advocacy, and/or voter education on strengthening democracy and transparency. This year's district fair will be held at UH Hilo on February 25th, 2023.
Last year's winners were Sarina Lam and Claire South of Hilo Intermediate School for their their exhibit, "Women's Protest Leads to the 19th Amendment." Their instructor is Ms. Pualeilani Fernandez, who teaches their Hawaiian history honors class and supported them in this project.
The LWV of Hawaii State will be contributed towards a group-funded `A`ali`i Award for students demonstrating heart, resiliency and dedication at the state level.
The Hawai`i Council for the Humanities is celebrating 50 years of connecting communities through the humanities (1973 - 2023).