LWVHC Program Planning Mtg. (Open to Public) - Guest HI State Rep. David Tarnas

LWVHC Program Planning Mtg. (Open to Public) - Guest HI State Rep. David Tarnas

LWVHC - Rep. David Tarnas


Online Event - Zoom
Saturday, January 16, 2021 - 10:00am to Sunday, January 17, 2021 - 9:45am

Join us to hear from Hawai'i House Representative David Tarnas (District 7) and to learn about LWVHC's Program Planning for the upcoming year.

Ahead of the meeting, we invite you to send any questions for Rep. Tarnas to the League at lwvhawaiicty [at] gmail.com by Thursday, January 14th.

A Zoom link will be sent as the date of the meeting gets closer. If you haven't used Zoom before, please make sure you download it ahead of the meeting: https://zoom.us/download . Zoom is free and you can use it on a PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad or Android device.


  1. Call to Order at 10 a.m.
    Rosemarie Muller, President
  2. Approval of Minutes from Nov. 21, 2020
    Joan Platz, Secretary
    Minutes submitted electronically
  3. Reports from Officers
    a) Treasurer's Report - Carolyn Murray
    b) Membership - Diane Herrera
  4. Old Business
    a) State Convention & Fundraiser - Ilona Carlson & Donna Oba
  5. New Business
    a) Program Planning - Rosemarie Muller
    b) Nominations - Donna Oba
  6. Announcements
    Rosemarie Muller
  7. Speaker - Hawai`i State Representative David Tarnas, District 7
  8. Adjournment


  • Feb. 16 - Deadline for LWVHC Board to formulate Proposed Programs based on member recommendations
  • Feb. 20 - State Board Mtg.
  • Mar. 16 - Deadline for notifying members of Proposed Programs
  • Mar. 16 - Spring 2021 Newsletter distributed
  • Apr. 17 - Annual Meeting (formate TBA)
  • May 22 - League of Women Voters Hawai`i State Convention


The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Contact Information
Rosemarie Muller, LWVHC President
lwvhawaiicty [at] gmail.com