Past Event - Energize Leadership Training - Virtual LWVIL

Past Event - Energize Leadership Training - Virtual LWVIL


Virtual - Zoom
Thursday, August 29, 2024 - 6:00pm

LWVIL is re-introducing regular annual training for all local Leagues! This virtual event is open to all new and experienced leaders of Illinois local Leagues and MAS Units, as well as any interested members.

ENERGIZE: Empowerment Network for Engaging and Revitalized Growth, Inspiration, and a Zest for Excellence will cover officer, board member, and committee expectations and responsibilities. Topics include voter services, advocacy, membership handbooks, yearly calendars, ChapterSpot, roster management, and new structures on the horizon. We work best as we learn and share with each other!

Register to attend.

We will also offer follow-up breakout sessions for the following leadership areas on Saturday, September 7, from 9:00– 10:00 am (Virtual):

  • Executive Leadership Team (Presidents, co-presidents, vice presidents, secretaries)

  • Annual Planning Process Leaders (Does your League plan a year’s calendar of events and meetings in advance? Who participates? How are the State/National Programs determined at the respective Biennial Conventions integrated with your plan?)

  • Communications

  • Issues & Advocacy

  • Membership

  • Treasurers

  • Voter Service

Register to attend a breakout session.

Contact Information
Tania Traverso
lwvauroraarea [at]