The League arrives at a position on an issue through research, study, intensive discussion and member agreement.
"Study without action is futile. Action without study is fatal."
This League axiom locates twin activities basic to advocacy. Members first choose topics of long-range local interest which can be affected by public policy. The League arrives at a position through research, study, intensive discussion and member agreement. Only after this study and consensus process can the League take action to propose, support or oppose legislation.
Advocacy works when study leads to action. Members participate in study groups, attend information meetings, speak their minds, observe meetings to register voters, and develop leadership talents and sharpen their skills.
Consensus/group discussion is the technique most often used in the League for reaching member agreement. The consensus reached by members through group discussion is not a simple majority, nor is it unanimity; rather it is the overall sense of the group as expressed through the exchange of ideas and opinions, whether in a membership meeting or a series of membership or unit meetings.