Award Criteria

Award Criteria

Selecting Catt Award Recipients 

Nomination may be made by letter describing the nominee's contributions to LWV (as described in criteria below). The nomination can be mailed to: League of Women Voters of Ames and Story County, PO Box 2266, Ames, IA 50010 or by email to prez.lwy [at] 

Selection Committee 

• Committee is appointed no later than January 

• Previous year's recipient serves as chair of the committee 

• The Board appoints two additional people 

Criteria for Nominees 

• Long-time membership in the League 

• Significant contributions to the community outside one's active profession 

• Not actively holding a party-affiliated elected office 

• Significant contributions to the League (e.g., demonstrated exemplary leadership skills; or developed and implemented a successful initiative to enhance League membership, finance, or image; or organized a community project led by the League; or heightened public awareness of the mission and activities of the LWV). 


The selected recipient will have a stone paver with their name and year of award placed in the Plaza of 

Heroines in front of Catt Hall on the Iowa State University campus. 

Notification to Membership 

The award recipient is announced, with a picture and article, in the April issue of The Voter that is distributed prior to the Annual Meeting of the LWV of Ames and Story County. The honoree is further recognized in person by presentation at the Annual Meeting.