The Ames League of Women Voters has selected Sandra McJimsey as the recipient of the 2015 Annes Carrie Chapman Catt Award to honor her for her superb work as League member and for her distinguished service to the Annes community. It is a recognition long overdue.
Sandra is a long-time member of the Ames League of Women Voters and over the years has rendered valuable service to that organization. She was on the Ames board in the early 1980s and served as president from 1982-1984. Her two years as president featured some delicate issues such as adopting a national position on reproductive rights, and considering whether to change the name of the League when men were admitted. Consensus consideration of these issues was tackled effectively by the board under Sandra's leadership. During her term the board also embraced the national emphasis on member recruitment by having a membership drive that included a public event held at the Octagon.That resulted in the membership of the Ames League surpassing one hundred for the first time. During her presidency, the League also submitted a successful application for All-American City recognition for the City of Annes. Such recognition is a rare honor, and was celebrated publicly with party for Ames citizens at the Scheman Building.
Following her work on the Ames LWV board. she served on the state League board for twoyears. Currently, she is again on the Ames board, this time in the capacity of treasurer-elect. She also chaired the current By-Laws Committee. Sandra started her career in public service as a member of the Story County Zoning Board of Adjustment from 1997- 2002. From there she moved on to serve on the City of Ames Planning and Zoning Commission and in April of this year, she will finish a four-year term on the City of Ames Zoning Board of Adjustment.
In recent years, Sandra has served on the boards of two prominent local musical groups: Ames Town and Gown and the Central Iowa Symphony. For each organization, she has served as board president and during her presidencies she worked tirelessly to increase membership and to raise financial support for each institution. Under her leadership, these fine organizations flourished.
Over the years Sandra has also served her church in many ways. Recently she agreed to serve on the Session of Collegiate Presbyterian Church where she will chair the personnel committee. In a quite different church service role, she will soon be traveling to Honduras as member of group that works to bring clean water to remote areas in third- world countries.
Sandra's superb organizational skills are highly respected and sought after by many groups. The League is fortunate to have beneffited from her services over the years.