LWVCCA Legislative Committee

LWVCCA Legislative Committee

LWVCCA Legislative Committee Promotes communication and advocacy among League members and legislators regarding legislation, programs and issues proposed/adopted locally, statewide, and nationwide. 

Chair: Suzanne Brock

Purpose/Key Objectives

• Follow all bills on which LWVMA has taken a position (support/oppose) with strong focus and actions on certain bills related to our League’s priorities and the Cape Cod region. (Ex: Environment, Voting Rights, etc.).
• Educate/inform members and local citizens on these bills and encourage them to take action.
• Assist our members and citizens in becoming more active lobbyists to influence state legislators/legislation.
• Raise LWVCCA’s visibility and influence with legislators and across the Cape region.

Role of Chair

• Lead Legislative Committee.
• With committee members, identify a group of related bills (Ex. Environment, Voting Rights etc.) and determine which ones will be followed by each member.
• Monitor LWVMA legislative activities to identify new bills and other relevant changes.
• Coordinate with LWVCCA committee chairs on bills relevant to their committee.
• On selected bills, recommend when and what additional local actions are needed to supplement those taken by LWVMA Legislative Action Committee (LAC).
• Recommend when and how LWVCCA will encourage citizen advocacy on these bills.
• Draft written external communications and submit to the LWVCCA board for approval and distribute final communications to Communications Committee.
• Be a liaison between the LWVCCA board and LAC (Legislative Action Committee).
• Organize annual Cape Cod Legislators Breakfast.
• Update Directory of Elected Officials.
• Coordinate LWVCCA members’ attendance at LWVMA’s Lobby Day, Day on the Hill or bill specific lobby day.

Role of committee members

• Follow designated group of related bills and monitor legislative activities.
• Work with LWVMA legislative specialists assigned to specific bills.
• Advocate for key bills with state representatives and senators.
• Advise other committee members and LWVCCA members when action is needed to advocate for selected bills.
• Coordinate with committee chair when public advocacy is needed.
• Help draft written communications and submit to the board for approval.
• Note: members can participate/advocate remotely (i.e. seasonal travelers) but computer literacy and access are required.

 Educational Resources

• The Citizen Lobbyist - Making Your Voice Heard (LWVMA document issued July 2017)
• MA Legislative Process – MASS Bar Association
• MA Legislative Process flow chart – Suffolk University
• Current Legislative Session Deadlines and Significant Dates
• Mass. League Action Newsletters (emailed monthly)


www.lwvcapecod.org – web page for the League of Women Voters Cape Cod Area
www.lwvmaorg – web page for the League of Women Voters of Massachusetts
www.lwv.org – web page for the U.S. League of Women Voters
www.mass.gov – official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Additional Resources

• LWVMA Where We Stand
• LWV – Summary of Public Policy Positions
• Ideas of Working with your Legislators – MA Legislation Action Committee
• League Advocacy - LWVUS

Co-Chairs: Renate Sands, Elaine Dickinson


Committee Contact
Contact Name: 
Suzanne Brock
League to which this content belongs: 
The Cape Cod Area

All Posts Related to this Committee

Click below to make reservations for the March 24, 2023 DIALOGUE WITH CAPE COD LEGISLATORS
at Cape Cod Community College.

$10 for a single reservation, $20 for two reservations.

March 26 Legislative Forum Main Image

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Our Committee's role is:

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