On this page:
Am I Eligible to Vote?
How Do I Register to Vote?
How to Find - and Contact - Your Elected Officials
Use our online voter guide, Vote411, to view your ballot for an upcoming election.
Am I eligible to vote?
At a minimum, you must be 18 years of age and a U.S. citizen to be eligible to vote. Read the First Time Voter Checklist to see what your state may also require.
You can also reach out to your State and local election offices for more information on voter eligibility. Use U.S. Vote Foundation’s lookup tool to find your election offices.
How do I register to vote?
You may register to vote by completing and submitting the online Voter Registration Form at Vote411.org. Use U.S. Vote Foundation’s lookup tool to see if your local or State elections office offers .
You can also register to vote with your state’s voter registration form. You can obtain the form in person from the following public facilities:
- state or local election offices
- the department of motor vehicles
- public assistance agencies
- state funded programs that serve people with disabilities
- any public facility a state has designated as a voter registration agency (such as a public library, public school, and city or county clerk’s office).
This form may also be used to report a name or address change to the voter registration office or to register with a political party.
How to find your elected officials and how to contact them:
Go to
LWVCCA Directory of elected officials
Or enter your address at
Click below to find your polling place:
Massachusetts Secretary of State - Find my election information
Barnstable County
Barnstable County Regional Government
Barnstable County Sheriff's Office
Cape & Islands District Attorney
Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce
Cape Cod Commission, Barnstable County
Town Clerks Contact Information
The information below is correct at the time of publication. Additional Town Clerk information, and updates, may be found at the Massachusetts Secretary of State's Directory of Local Elections Offices and Dropboxes, which includes every town in Massachusetts.
Barnstable: http://www.townofbarnstable.us/TownClerk/
Bourne: http://www.townofbourne.com/clerk
Brewster: https://www.brewster-ma.gov/town-clerk
Chatham: https://www.chatham-ma.gov/town-clerk
Dennis: https://www.town.dennis.ma.us/367/Town-Clerk
Eastham: https://www.eastham-ma.gov/436/Town-Clerk
Falmouth: http://www.falmouthmass.us/343/Town-Clerk
Harwich: https://www.harwich-ma.gov/365/Town-Clerk
Mashpee: http://www.mashpeema.gov/town-clerk
Orleans: https://www.town.orleans.ma.us/465/Town-Clerk
Provincetown: http://www.provincetown-ma.gov/index.aspx?NID=100>
Sandwich: http://sandwichmass.org/160/Town-Clerk
Truro: http://www.truro-ma.gov/town-clerk-treasurer-collector>
Wellfleet: http://www.wellfleet-ma.gov/town-clerk>
Yarmouth: http://www.yarmouth.ma.us/index.aspx?NID=67>