LWVCCA DEI Committee

LWVCCA DEI Committee

LWVCCA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee supports and promotes the LWVUS/LWVMA and LWVCCA DEI policies, vision and mission.  The DEI committee helps to promote the LWVUS diversity committee’s DEI continued learning program materials outlined in the LWVUS DEI Guide: LWVUS DEI policy The LWVCCA DEI committee is made up of volunteers from the board of directors,  working committees and individuals from the general membership.  

Chair: Open

The full committee meets quarterly and works with the Vice President(s) of Programs and the Membership Committee to assess needs and seek opportunities for inclusion and outreach to diverse community partners.  The DEI committee develops recommendations for DEI initiatives and sets program goals specific for advancing the LWVCCA DEI mission.  Programming should be consistent with the LWVUS efforts to assist all members in embracing the commitment to DEI and may be focused on educating, enlightening, and facilitating discussion around this topic.

The DEI committee’s responsibilities include...

  • Discussion of needs for diversity, equity and inclusion based on LWVUS/LWVMA policy and definitions  (assessed by yearly survey and or use of LWVUS evaluation tool);
  • identify DEI goals and initiatives in collaboration with other working committees;
  • set DEI goals (reporting out to the Board of Directors for approval);
  • identify internal education needs (via survey, see where knowledge is lacking);
  • work with the VPs of programs to create a calendar of events and training opportunities (see LWVUS modules and other resources.);
  • identify resources that can support the goals and initiatives of LWVCCA (use of guide to DEI materials recommended by the LWVUS DEI Committee, identify those most relevant to local DEI goals and consider additional resources);
  • collaborate with community partners to plan and implement actions that eliminate racism.

Read about our recent forums "Racism on Cape Cod" HERE.



Committee Contact
Contact Name: 
Tamora Israel
League to which this content belongs: 
The Cape Cod Area

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Our Committees are where the real work gets done.
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Chair: Lynne Pleffner
Our Committee's role is: