Civic Resource Directory
A PDF of the directory can be found here: CIVIC RESOURCE DIRECTORY
Although the Civic Resource Directory was developed primarily for use in Cape Cod schools, it is an excellent resource for anyone conducting research on government offices at the local, state and national level relevant to various topics. We also identify local organizations that provide research, educational services, and in some cases advocacy for civic action. The purpose of the Cape Cod Civic Resource Directory is to assist teachers and students with the research they will need for their student-led civics projects. We have selected non- partisan organizations and resources for inclusion. The directory has two goals. First, it is designed to help students identify important civic issues facing the Cape Cod region and beyond. Broad essential questions are posed as ways to identify issues. We hope that the questions will help to provide some direction for investigation that students may find interesting and personally meaningful. Any of these questions may serve as a starting point for students to develop narrower, more specific questions for their projects. Hopefully, this can be a helpful companion to classroom brainstorming activities. Second, it is designed to provide non-partisan resource information that may be helpful sources of information for student research. We provide government offices at the local, state and national level relevant to various topics. We also identify local organizations that provide research, educational services, and in some cases advocacy for civic action.
Cape Cod Civic Advocacy Guide:
Understanding Your Government and How to Influence It
This Guide is useful for any adult or student who wishes to understand how state, county and local government structures work, and and learn the skills of advocacy. A link to a PDF of the Guide can be found here: Cape Cod Civic Advocacy Guide