"Know Your Rights: If You Are Questioned About Your Immigration Status" :
Below is our webpage about the situation in 2023
Every day, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) jails hundreds of immigrants in Massachusetts while they go through their immigration proceedings. This detention is purely civil – not because a crime was committed – yet it can last months or years. Current law allows local sheriffs to sign contracts with ICE.
Last year Barnstable County elected a new Sheriff, Donna Buckley, who ended this agreement in Barnstable County.
But the sheriff's office in Plymouth County just last month chose to continue their contract.
ACLUM, LWVCCA, and the Refugee Support Team of the Nauset Interfaith Association co-sponsored a forum about the ICE Detention Bill. - "An Act Relative to Massachusetts State Sovereignty" filed by Rep. Cabral and Sen. Gomez (H.1401/S.997) - a bill to end ICE agreements in Massachusetts.
A recording of the presentation of the October 18 ACLUM 'ICE Out of MA' forum is available HERE:
View a PDF of the ACLU MA presentation:
The ACLU MA presentation "ICE Out of MA"
Read the bill H.1401/S.997 "An Act Relative to Massachusetts State Sovereignty"
You can contact your Legislators - and see a sample letter - here at the ACLU Ma website
Organizations Sponsoring the ICE Out of MA forum:
ACLU Massachusetts: https://www.aclum.org/
Nauset Interfaith Association Refugee Support Team : https://nausetinterfaith.org/refugee-support/
Massachusetts Women of Color Coalition: www.mawocc.com