Nomination Papers due for Wenham Town Wide Elections

Nomination Papers due for Wenham Town Wide Elections


Wenham Town Hall
Thursday, February 20, 2020 - 5:00pm to Friday, February 21, 2020 - 4:45pm

Nomination papers are available at Wenham Town Hall for the following positions:
Board of Assessors  1 seat -  3 year term
Board of Health 1 seat - 3 year term
Board of Selectmen  1 seat  - 3 year term
Library Trustee – Wenham 1 seat - 3 year term
Regional School Committee 2 seats  - 3 year term
Planning Board 1 seat - 5 year term
Town Clerk 1 seat - 3 year term
Water Commissioner 1 seat - 3 year term
Wenham Housing Authority 1 seat - 4 year term to fulfill unexpired

Issues referenced by this event: