Conversations on Race Monday, December 21, 2020, Reconstruction: Reinforcement of White Supremacy

Conversations on Race Monday, December 21, 2020, Reconstruction: Reinforcement of White Supremacy

Conversations on Race: Reconstruction
Monday, December 21, 2020 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

“The slaves went free, stood a brief moment in the sun, and then moved back again towards slavery.” W.E.B. Dubois

This month we begin our two-session series about Reconstruction (1863-1877). This is a period of our history that is often skimmed over in our history books, possibly because it was towards the end of this era that the case for white supremacy was renewed and became imbued in our culture – both North and South. The fears and tropes of white supremacy were expanded and widely disseminated. Understanding Reconstruction answers the question: “How did we get here?”

We will show the last two episodes of the PBS series “Reconstruction – America after the Civil War,” one each meeting. After each we will discuss our reactions and answer the question: “What did you see that is still around today?”

We welcome people of all races and backgrounds to come together, to converse, listen and engage. Our hope is that this will be an opportunity to learn and grow, by hearing, and reflecting upon, each other's stories and perspectives.

Sponsored by the Marblehead Racial Justice Team

For Zoom Link: Email LWVMarblehead [at]