We are living in a time where substantial efforts are being made to undermine our democracy. This requires not only vigilance, but ACTION, if we want to protect and preserve our form of government.
To this end the LWV Marblehead has formed a Defending Democracy working group. Areas of focus include opposition to an Article V Convention, educating voters, working to protect voting rights and getting out the vote.
We have compiled a list of groups working on these issues for people to explore with the hope that everyone will find an organization where they will engage in some type of ACTION. Also included is a list of books that provide important background information on Fascism, Autocracy, threats to majority rule, etc.
You can access that list here.
Massachusetts Voters' Bill of Rights
Non-Partisan Opportunities to Learn About and Get Involved with Organizations Working to Project Democracy
Your Personal Plan to Help Save Our Democracy
Sign up to receive Weekly Election Rumors from LWV.
VoteRiders.org - a non-partisan, non-profit organization with a mission to ensure that all citizens are able to exercise their freedom to vote
Sign up for the LWV League in Action App
If you would like to join the Defending Democracy working group email lwvmarblehead [at] gmail.com.
- is a "one-stop-shop" for election related information.
LWV Illinois Mis/Dis Information Task Force
Where the League Stands: Join the National Conversation on Issues Critical to Our Democracy
Article V Convention - What is it?
Why does LWV oppose an Article V Convention?
LWV One Person One Vote Campaign - Aims to educate, engage, and activate the American people to achieve a new system for electing future presidents by direct popular vote.
National Constitution Center Educational Videos.
"A private, nonprofit organization, the National Constitution Center serves as America’s leading platform for constitutional education and debate."
Concord, MA Democracy Panel - June 7, 2024 with David Pepper, retired federal judge Nancy Gertner, Whitney Taylor, ACLU Mass. Political Director and Virginia Case Solomon, President and CEO of Common Cause
States United Democracy Center - Advocates for policies that protect election integrity, hold democracy violators accountable, prevent the political violence that threatens to undermine the will of the American people, and advance truth about our elections.
Elections and Voting Summer Reading List - Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation