LWVCC Board Policies

LWVCC Board Policies

League of Women Voters of the Copper Country (LWVCC) Houghton County, Michigan

Members of the Board of Directors of the League of Women Voters of the Copper Country are expected to be familiar with and follow these policies when conducting League business.

1. The League is concerned with facts and issues and does not support or oppose individuals, political parties, or organizations. The principles of non-partisanship should be applied in all dealings with the public.

2. Since the president is responsible for seeing that all material emanating from the League conforms to League policy and maintains the League's nonpartisan approach, the following procedures are to be observed: 

a. During any program year where a shared governance leadership structure is in place, one board member shall be designated as the facilitator for communication. That individual will be the contact person with state and national leagues and will share all incoming communications, i.e., email, postal mail, and webmail, with the entire board. Board members will work cooperatively to address items b through e below.

b. The VOTER must be checked with the president or the president's designee person before it is distributed.

c. Publicity releases and letters to the editor must be cleared with the president or the president's designee before being sent out.

d. Communications written, telephoned, or emailed in support of League positions should be drafted by the chair involved, but must be approved by the president or the president's designee. The chair involved is responsible for reporting to the board (local, state, or national) concerned.

e. At the discretion of the president or the president's designee a request may be made to review the minutes before they are distributed.

3. Portfolios may be kept as electronic files. Directors may give an annual review of activities at the summer board meeting. A copy of any report should be given to the secretary for inclusion with the minutes. However, it is expected that minutes will reflect activity as it occurs during the program year.

4. A tentative yearly calendar, including subject matter for all meetings, must be presented for approval at each board meeting. An updated calendar shall be published. Any subsequent changes in dates or subject matter should be cleared with the Board.

5. Members holding portfolios that require a committee should recruit and meet with the members of the committee as early in the League year as possible. Chairs, in their Board reports, should keep the Board informed of these meetings and the plans made at them.

6. Board members should try to attend as many League-sponsored meetings as possible.

7. The treasurer should notify the membership chair and the VOTER editor of dues received from new and renewing members. The membership chair is responsible for reporting to the Board and state and national offices the names of new and dropping members.

8. Board members must receive Board approval for extensive or unusual portfolio expenses.

9. Board members may request a check from the treasurer before incurring portfolio expenses or be reimbursed afterward. In either case, Board members must present the treasurer with receipts or vouchers specifying the dates, items, and amounts spent. (These receipts and vouchers are also used by the auditor.) In addition, Board members must indicate the budget item under which expenses should be entered: for example, local action, a state program, voter education, etc.

10. All committee chairs should plan to be involved in the budget process and must estimate the financial needs of their committees for the coming year.

11. Board members are expected to support local, state, and national positions, and to circulate petitions/action alerts originated by the League in support of League positions. If Board members are personally opposed to a position, they may be excused from actively supporting it, but they must refrain from the opposition in public.

12. The president should be the delegate to conventions. If the president is not available, or there are additional delegate positions, the Board shall select the delegate(s) on the basis of national/state study experience and/or availability.

13. Board members are expected to complete the terms of office to which they have been elected or appointed. If a resignation becomes necessary, it should be submitted to the president.

14. Board members relinquishing portfolios should turn over to their replacements complete files, which may include a listing of contents, portfolio calendar, and written instructions. They should also meet with their replacements in order to make transitions as smooth as possible.

15. Portfolio notes are not open to the public. Specific requests for information should be reviewed by the portfolio chair and may be directed to the president.

16. Monthly Board meetings (September to May) are held the first week of the month. The day will be determined at the first Board meeting following the annual meeting. Board meetings may be called during the summer at the discretion of the president. A member who cannot attend should notify the president and make arrangements, if necessary, to have someone else present any report.

17. All Board meetings are open to the membership and the public; visitors, however, shall have the privilege of the floor only at the beginning or end of the meeting, at the discretion of the president.

18. Polling between Board meetings may sometimes be necessary and may be done via email. For a motion to pass all board members must cast a positive vote. A record of the emails should be attached to the previous board minutes.

19. A copy of these Board policies shall be given to prospective Board members prior to their nomination or acceptance of a position.

20. All local policies (general board, nonpartisan, and convention) should be annually reviewed and revised if necessary.

Reviewed: 08/1993 06/1995 02/2014 08/2015 08/17/16 08/15/17 01/15/19 01/07/2020 10/05/2021 12/05/22 10/03/23