LWVCC Conventions and Workshop Policy

LWVCC Conventions and Workshop Policy

League of Women Voters of the Copper Country (LWVCC) Houghton County, Michigan

The State and National Conventions and Workshop Policy is adopted with the following factors in mind: It must be possible for all qualified delegates to attend conventions and workshops of the League of Women Voters without personal financial sacrifice.

All official delegates and workshop participants designated by the Board: Based on the budget, all expenses should be paid, including

A. Actual cost of transportation by public conveyance, or by automobile at the same mileage rate as the State League Board allowance; the choice between public conveyance and automobile to be approved by the Board in advance.

B. Housing at the actual hotel or motel price at the most economical rates. Delegate may make other arrangements by paying the difference.

C. Registration fees.

D. Up to $35 per day for meals, adjusting upward for metropolitan areas. All fixed-price meals arranged for League members will be paid in full.

E. Additional expenses may be requested for consideration of the Board.

Observers: Registration fees only shall be provided for observers.

Reviewed: 03/1992 08/1994 08/15/12 02/05/13 08/18/15 08/17/16 08/15/17 01/15/19 01/07/2020 11/02/2021 12/05/22 10/03/23