Our Positions

The League of Women Voters of the Copper Country supports: 

What is a Position?

The League of Women Voters takes action on an issue only when we have a position addressing that particular issue. Members must study and come to consensus on an issue, in order to form a position. This thorough grassroots process ensures that our advocacy is well considered by a broad range of people, understood by our members, and we have a sense of the political environment.

Copper Country Positions


The League of Women Voters of the Copper Country believes that some form of education, provided by public schools or other state-approved institutions, should be mandatory for all children. The primary role of the public school should be to enable students to master the basic skills as well as the physical and social sciences, to teach the fine arts, to foster critical and creative thinking, to promote good health and physical fitness, and to provide foreign languages and vocational education for those who desire them. The League believes it is possible to measure whether a quality education is being provided and whether schools are accomplishing their goals. Parents, teachers, and the community should work as a team to help children learn, encouraging higher standards of achievement. The League supports adequate financing to provide maximum educational opportunities for all children in the tax-supported schools of Houghton County. Support for each millage or bonding proposal will be evaluated by applying listed criteria. The League supports the concepts of consolidation, annexation, and cooperative programming. The League also supports creative research for methods to maintain, finance, and improve existing small schools. The League recommends that school board members receive training and that employees of a school district not serve on its board.


The League of Women Voters of the Copper Country supports the following goals: 1. Provide consistency of practices in all local voting jurisdictions including a. training of poll workers, especially instruction in requirements for assisting people with disabilities b. payment of poll workers c. maintaining political balance (major political parties) of poll workers and d. provision of privacy for voters 2. Promote the ability of all local voting jurisdictions to access state Qualified Voter Lists electronically. 3. Encourage local clerks to provide absent voter ballots automatically for every election to people with disabilities, senior citizens, and other eligible voters who request continuing service. 4. Increase voter information and education for all elections in all areas of the Copper Country.


The League of Women Voters of the Copper Country supports the fluoridation of community water supplies in Houghton County at levels based upon the latest public health recommendations.


The League of Women Voters of the Copper Country supports the construction of a new Houghton County Jail building (to replace the facility in existence as of 04/2007) with adequate facilities for functional, cost and energy efficient, secure operation in compliance with State Administrative Rule requirements, as set forth in the Rules for Jails, Lockups and Security Camps. LWVCC supports comprehensive planning to include the needs of the offices housed in the historic Courthouse, including Administrative offices, the Courts and also the administrative offices of the Sheriff's department as well as the Jail.


Support for: 1. Adequate financing of the Houghton County Medical Care Facility; 2. Impartial assessment procedures; 3. Adequate county financing, a fixed millage allocation, and/or adoption of other measures which promote sound fiscal planning; 4. A county executive with clearly drawn lines of responsibility.


We reaffirm that standards stated in our Land Use position apply to the waterway. We further support: 1. Free public access at appropriate intervals along the waterway; 2. Activities along the waterway should be non-polluting of land, water, and air; 3. Businesses near the waterway should be compatible with enjoyment of it.


1. the premise that land is a finite resource and that land ownership, whether public or private, carries responsibility for stewardship; 2. land use planning and zoning that reflects conservation and wise management of resources; 3. identification and protection of areas of critical concern, including wetlands, shore lands, and unique scenic, historical and cultural sites; 4. acquisition of land for public use; 5. review of environmental, social, and economic impacts of major public and private developments including the Keweenaw National Historical Park, local historic districts, proposed parks and the U.S. 41 corridor; and 6. citizen access to the land use planning process.


Adequate funding for coordinated regional and local public transportation, which provides access to area education, employment, health care, mental health care, government, and food/shopping centers to population centers and rural residents alike.
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