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Submitted by Copper Country in February 2021.
Black Women’s Equal Pay Day is the approximate day a Black woman must work into the new year to make what white non-Hispanic man made at the end of the previous year.
Submitted by Copper Country in June 2021.
Courtesy of the Daily Mining Gazette
blog from June 19, 2020
Submitted by Copper Country in January 2021.
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY is the timely theme to the League of Women Voters of Michigan's 2021 Biennial Convention.
Submitted by Copper Country in April 2021.
Join Zoom Meeting
Submitted by Copper Country in March 2021.
Zoom Meeting ID: 881 9948 0226 and passcode 983478.
Speaker Pat Gotschalk; The Legal Process: Thoughts on the Transition from Ruth Bader Ginsberg to Amy Coney Barrett
Business meeting: immediately following speaker
Health Care Reform: Improved Health Care for All, LWV of Ann Arbor
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