62nd Annual Meeting to hear pros and cons of designated wilderness in the western UP

62nd Annual Meeting to hear pros and cons of designated wilderness in the western UP


Michigan US
Saturday, April 23, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm

Business meeting: immediately following speakers - zoom link below

Join us on Zoom for our annual meeting on Saturday, April 23 at 1pm, to hear pros and cons of designated wilderness in the western UP.  Keep the UP Wild is a movement to add three new wilderness areas and expand the existing Sturgeon River Gorge Wilderness area within the Ottawa National Forest. The nearly one-million-acre forest is also home to the Sylvania and McCormick wilderness areas, which bring the current total to more than 50,000 acres. The proposed additions would double that amount, restricting logging, mining, and most other development in about a tenth of the forest. Unlike national parks, which focus on preservation, national forests follow a multiple-use policy, with resources managed for recreation, grazing, timber, clean water, and wildlife habitat. Mining is also permitted. 

Speakers will be Tyler Barron, policy advocate for the Environmental Law & Policy Center, and Henry Schienebeck, executive director of Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association.

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Meeting ID: 843 6894 0455          Passcode: 999860