Our elected MI legislators, Sen. McBroom and Rep. Markkanen will be speaking about the work in Lansing at our 63rd Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 15. We will meet in person at Gino’s restaurant in Hancock.
Please plan to arrive by 11:15 am to pay dues, and greet fellow league members. If you are having lunch, you can order (pay on your own) from a limited menu that will be available. We would appreciate an rsvp in order to have an idea about numbers.
Please write to cclwvmi [at] gmail.com and let us know if you will attend in person and if you will be having lunch. Speakers are at 11:30 and our annual business meeting will follow lunch.
Gino’s Restaurant or Zoom
Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88059127589pwd=Uk9nNVJIZytvK2gwUDZ0R2R6bUtWUT09
Meeting ID: 880 5912 7589 Passcode: 839008